Thursday 20 September 2012

Still here

While group “One” finished up precipitating the DNA extracted from blood and garlic, the group “Two” got an extra out of the course being introduced to the wonders of little Drosophila. In the short half an hour that we had, they were able to see, inspite all the autofluorescence, neurons in a larvae expressing GFP, live! They also received a short introduction on how to identify male and female flies.
As the day is going, I am afraid is going to be a full day in the lab again. Lectures will have to wait until tomorrow. It takes a while to get used to label the next tube while we are waiting for the centrifuge to finish, to look for the solution we are going to need next before it’s time to pippet, to steal those golden minutes that make simple protocols long and tedious.
As I said before, we are learning! We have been practising how to use both hands at the same time, how to open and close 1.5ml tubes with the left hand, how to use the little finger of the pippeting hand to keep the caps from touching any surface… We are learning, indeed, and this is like running a bicycle, a matter of practice. Let’s hope that we will soon get the funds to start applying all the things that we are learning in our every day research.
Shake it!
Now, I am puzzled by something that is happening with this blog: when I look at the stats, most of the visits are registered from Sweden. I am pretty sure it’s not real so, who is using a Swedish vpn to read us?

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